Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 11--Houston We've Landed

Well, we've made it to Houston, where Barney's family resides.  We both got up at the same time this morning, and after a very abortive attempt at getting some grading done, I moved on to getting us ready.  It took far longer than I hoped, but we left our house around 11:00.  In the interest of total disclosure, I should admit was pretty well into panic mode and right at the end of my rope by about 10:30 because I was really scared we would end up in heavy rush hour traffic, which would have been disastrous for the children.  But, we survived my panic and then the traffic and got here around 4:00.  It was a long trip, but we made it in one piece. 

As predicted (in my head--which still totally counts), I chose to play games with the family and am just now sitting down (at 11:00pm) to grade essays that I need to return tonight.  However, it has been worth it to see Barney living it up with his brothers and to spend quality time hanging out with all of them.  The children have been in hog heaven tonight as well--cousins, grandparents, uncles & aunts, and food galore. 

I am looking forward to the change of scenery for new opportunities for fun ways to treat Barney.  I'm blessed to be married to an honest to goodness family man, who is dedicated not just to me and to the children but to his extended family as well.  Spending nine days with his family is probably the best Christmas present we could ever give him, and I know that each day will be special for him even if I don't do anything at all.  I'm just hoping to be the icing on the cake. 

That just gave me a good idea for tomorrow, so I guess that means I should move on to essays.  Or, I could write more and procrastinate the inevitable a little bit longer, or I could just get it over with, or . . . .  okay!  I'm leaving.  I swear.  Right now.  No you hang up first.  No you.  Okay, same time.  You're still there.  No really, I have to go.  Okay, this is it for real.

.....are you still there??  I can't believe you hung up first!

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