Yesterday, I finished the day with all work completely caught up; today, I finish with a rather lengthy novel under my belt. There is something to be said for taking an actual weekend, though I may be singing a different tune tomorrow.
The main trouble was a nagging bout of round ligament pains that limited my ability to do much today. It's an annoying pregnancy woe where you deal with pain in the back ranging from mild to intense caused by the softening of ligaments. There's not much you can do other than to take it easy. I'm not sure what brought it on today, but it started before church and only worsened throughout the day.
Barney was very sweet and let me nap during the kids' naptime, which they less graciously decided to forgo today. But, they played quietly upstairs, and I got to take a Sunday nap--such a great tradition that I need to make sure is taken more seriously at my house.
Barney his breaks in the day by watching a soccer game and then playing some soccer on the Xbox once my back pain started to lessen. It wasn't much, again, but these lazy days are very few and far between for us.
The next few days should provide us with some concrete information on the direction that things will be taking in the near future with the possible selling or leasing of our house. At this point, it remains very much a waiting game on our part, and I am so very tired of waiting. My plan is to throw myself into my quickly piling stack of work and hope that provides a distraction from the tension that builds in me on these days. I guess only time will tell how it will all turn out.
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