I like long summer nights, but oh how I loathe the transition that the kids go through as they adjust to time changes. It means early, early mornings for a couple of weeks. Good times all around. So, we let the kids stay up pretty late tonight in hopes that they would sleep some in the morning. We shall see.
Today was a fun day--we went to Barney's nephew's birthday party and were there from about 11:00am to 4:30pm, spending time with family. The kids especially loved it, though Olivia refused to nap. They did both crash the whole way home, which was nice.
The only unfortunate thing is that we spent half the time on the phone with our realtor off and on as we try to nail down this contract on the house and get all of the final details hammered out. Barney continues to remain very stressed about the whole thing, while I vacillate between feeling confident that all will turn out to having a deep pit in my stomach from nerves that it will fall through.
This is such a role reversal for us that it is hard for me to know what to do for Barney, so my goal has been to try to do for him what I want him to do for me when I am the one worrying--namely, to listen and take his worries seriously without adding to the panic by bringing new worries to the table or seeming overly worried myself. I never want him to make me feel like my worries are stupid, but I also want him to make me feel less nervous--it is a very fine line. That line is my aim these days.
I guess the good news is that since we are going for such a short turnaround time, the time to fret will not be that horribly long. The other silver lining in our short turnaround time is that we have so many details to attend to that we can throw ourselves into those to stop focusing on the big picture (that doesn't sound nearly as positive written out as it did in my head, just so you know).
I have been thinking though that if this all works out, I think that when we look back, we will be able to see an amazing timeline of how God worked to put us into the right place at the right time(glimpses of which I can already see), which of course is what we have tried to believe all along. But, it is so much harder to take that concept in faith as you experience it than it is to see God's intent and purpose for what happened after it has occurred and the end result is known.
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