There is nothing quite like getting to the end of a pregnancy and reaching the waiting game period. I've gotten to the point where I'm afraid to even call people on the phone because I know that their first question will be "are you in labor" and it will be just too depressing to have to say no.
But, Barney and I are finding ways to keep busy. We had a neighbor over for dinner tonight, and then we all went outside to play with two other families on the street. At one point, I looked out at the seven kids, ranging from almost five to six months and was struck by just how clearly our prayers were answered by this move, despite the frustration that has gone into the move. We wanted to go somewhere with a stronger sense of community, and that is exactly what we have found. I hope that one day we will go to some of these kids' weddings and muse about how we remember them sticking their heads in the sprinklers and trying to feed each other dirt when they were just tiny little ones.
It was somewhat bittersweet to me that Jefferson would not be coming home from the hospital to the same home as Olivia and George, but now I cannot imagine it any other way. We have found home, and it feels just right to both of us.
Barney continues to thrive here in a way that was missing at our old house, which is part of what makes this feel so much more like home to me, and I continue to encourage that at every step. In turn, he supports me and is doing his best to make sure I am well-taken care of and provided for. Today at least, our marriage seems to be running almost effortlessly, and I am planning on storing up these moments in my heart, because I know that inevitably there will be rough times again. The strength we are building now will go a long way to supporting us through anything that comes our way--at least, that is my prayer.
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