Dear Barney,
When I went to sleep last night on your pillow for the third night this week instead of waking you up to ask you to trade me my pillow back, did you know that I was saying I love you? When I researched recipes to come up with two different unique and home-cooked dinners for you this week, did you know that I was saying I love you? When I did all of the dishes, emptied the dishwasher yet again, and did the laundry, did you know that I was saying I love you? When I went outside to look at the snake that you killed rather than staying as far away from it as possible like I wanted to, did you know that I was saying I love you? When I gave the kids a bath while feeding the baby and got all three into bed while you were working downstairs, did you know that I was saying I love you? When I watched a movie with you rather than finishing my grading or reading my book, did you know that I was saying I love you? When I over-react, when I acquiesce with less-than-a-willing heart, when I allow a poor attitude or tired spirit to creep into my engagements with you, please know that my actions and words are not an indication of a lack of love or a lessening of my intense feelings for you. I know that it is unfair of me to want you to only listen to the messages that I send out through my positive actions rather than my negative ones, but please know that no matter how cranky I might get, no matter how frustrated, angry, upset, or even indifferent I might seem, you are my best friend and my great love. I wish I could exterminate completely the negative behaviors that might dampen the messages that I try to communicate with my positive and good actions. Since that will probably never happen, I just wanted to let you know that my heart is in the right place, that is, in your safekeeping.
I love you,
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