The last two days have been a blur of work and to-do lists. They weren't particularly bad or particularly good days, just particularly busy days. We seem to be stuck in a rut of two steps forward, one step back these days, and it has started to get pretty frustrating for us both. It doesn't help that we feel like we are just bleeding money these days either.
But, there were some good, sweet moments these last two days too. Yesterday we went to Lowes to get some yard stuff, and they had roses on sale for $5. So, we got three, and this afternoon we planted the roses and fixed up our front beds with the kids, which was fun (and exhausting!).
After the yard excitement, I was totally wiped out this evening, and I let Barney know he was basically on his own for dinner. My plan was basically to skip dinner, and I was holed up in our room working when Barney surprised me with bruschetta he made himself and spaghetti that he had re-heated the sauce and cooked the noodles. It was totally unexpected and thus a very sweet surprise.
He continues to work on the yard, and I am just remaining as agreeable as possible so that he can get it exactly like he wants. He seems to be working the same deal with the inside of the house stuff for me. Even so, I feel like these last two days are those kinds of days that you basically forget even before they are over. Nothing super significant happened, and there were no especially memorable moments. I wonder if it is good to have those kinds of days from time to time or if I should be striving to make every day memorable for some reason for my husband and children?
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