Saturday, May 21, 2011

Days 157-159: Boy Time and Me Time

We have reached that point in pregnancy where we are making few plans because of the chance, however slim, that the baby comes early.  But, I still have some things on my to-do list, such as a haircut, a pedicure, and some me time.

So, I made an appointment to get my haircut yesterday and built in time for a little bit of shopping beforehand.  While there are many advantages to working from home as a couple, alone time is something that is very rare and very precious these days.  So, for me to get two hours to shop, eat lunch, and read my book by myself was amazing.

In the meantime, Barney had his brother and two brothers-in-laws coming into town for a guy's night last night.  When I got done with my haircut, I picked up the kids and headed to my parent's house, leaving the four guys to their own devices at our house.  I am not sure what all transpired, but I know that as much as I needed a lunch to myself with just a book, Barney needed some all testosterone, manly time for himself.

Then, this morning, they played in a golf tournament at my parents' course.  My mom told me she was taking the kids to the course for the morning under her care, leaving me with an unexpected second gift of time to myself in the morning.  I had planned to spend it working but instead fell immediately asleep and slept for over two and a half hours.  It was amazing.

Barney got very little sleep in the last twenty four hours and played very hard during his waking hours.  I came home to a house that had been well-lived in by four boys without any female supervision (read: rather messy and not at all like I left it).  Despite both of those possible setbacks, both of us are refreshed and in a really good frame of mind.  Sometimes the best thing that we can do for our marriage is to spend a little time apart, and this time was an example of some of our most-needed recharge. 

I don't really think it's absence makes the heart grows fonder as much in our case as much as it is a recognition that no matter how great a marriage, not every need will ever be met by one relationship, and tending to those other needs from time to time is an extremely important component to keeping that relationship in good working order.  Our weekend was just what the doctor ordered :)

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