I think that I have done a better job of late of taking the time to anticipate and care for Barney's needs/wishes in the last few days. I am not sure that I could ever claim perfection in this area of course, but I am doing better than I have in a while. For example, yesterday we went to a big festival with some new friends where we walked around with the kids in the Texas heat and participated in kid-friendly activities for several hours. It was not a strenuous day per se, but I am getting to that point in pregnancy where I tire pretty easily again, and between the several hours of walking, the heat, and my pregnancy, I was totally wiped out. I immediately crashed when we got home and put the kids down for their naps, and when I woke up, I had a long list of things that I wanted/needed to do. But, I put them on hold because Barney was very excited to go shopping for a new lawn mower. It took up several more hours of time, but ultimately, it seemed worth it. Then, when we got home, I gave the kids a bath and put them to bed to allow Barney to be able to work on other activities. Then, we watched a show together as a very rare treat before he watched soccer and I started on classes. I was up until 2:00am working, and the kids got up at 7:00, so I never fell back asleep after that.
Today we went to celebrate Mother's Day with my mom, and so we both had a ton of stuff to do for work and to get ready for this weekend when we got home. Barney was very tired, and he chose to watch soccer while I worked. Instead of complaining about it, I just got as much done as I could (but not nearly enough unfortunately). I have to admit that once the game was over, I discussed with him as nicely as possible that for the rest of the week, we probably will have to make work our first priority because we have so much to do to get ready for this party this weekend.
Hopefully the R&R time he got this weekend will ready him for the busy week that we have ahead of us, and hopefully I will continue to be able to remain equanimous rather than becoming overly stressed, which I feel coming on and am fighting as much as possible.
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