Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 33--Some Updates

I thought I would start off today by giving you guys a few updates on previous day's activities and how they turned out.  Barney found his third note today in his chest of drawers.  This one was in his sock drawer and simply said, "You knock my socks off!"  Super original and exciting I know.  Despite the lack of originality, it garnered a sweet hug and kiss for me--more than payoff in my opinion.  He still has two more notes hidden somewhere in his shirt drawers.

He still has not seen the Facebook letter I wrote him, despite the fact that he has recently been on Facebook quite a bit because he updated his status to let everyone know that we are having a boy.  I haven't decided if I will eventually tell him or just let him find some time in the distant future. 

He found the updated flash drive backed up with all of his information the next morning, and after grilling me to see what I had elected to put on there, was pleased with the result.  Again, it wasn't the most romantic of gestures, but I'm considering cleaning his closet as an upcoming project, and backing up his files might just be more romantic than a closet cleaning.

Today's was another private moment that I've decided not to blog about in detail other than to say that it required a surprising attitude adjustment on my part and that once I was able to adjust my attitude, it was well worth it.  It really is amazing how often attitude adjustments or realignment of my thoughts are a major component of improving my relationship with my husband.  It really is a bleak reminder that for me at least, selfishness seems to be the default mode that I have all too often to work my way out of.  While I don't think this is universally true--for example, I don't experience the same level of selfishness when dealing with my children, it seems pretty consistent in how I approach my marriage and relationship with Barney.  The more I reflect though, the more I think that I need to add laziness in here as another big part of the problem.  Sometimes I am being selfish, but sometimes I am just being lazy.  For example, right now I am sitting on the couch typing, Barney is close by playing a video game, Olivia is in bed, and George is on the floor playing with his toys.  He requested a milk refill three times a few minutes ago before I got up and got it for him--not because I minded him having milk but because I wanted Barney to go get it.  There is nothing preventing me from doing this and letting Barney continue his game uninterrupted--I just didn't feel like getting up.  The worst part is that I had to work not to resent Barney for not getting it, even though it was a general request made for either of us and there was no reason that I was any less available than he.

I wonder if there was something inherent in this or if it is a way of life that we have progressed into as the years have passed.

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