Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 45--You Win Universe

Guess who woke up sick again this morning??? Pick me.  I did!!  Ugh.  Olivia and I are the two worst people to get an upper respiratory infection because children under two and pregnant women cannot take cold and sinus medication.  So, we are just making do.  Luckily though, George seems to be pretty much back to his normal self, and so does Barney.  That meant that only Olivia stayed home with us today, and the good news for me is that I am so stopped up that I absolutely cannot smell her dirty diapers.  The bad news for Barney is that it meant he ended up discovering and dealing with all of them today. 

I was supposed to get a much-needed haircut today, and I had allotted three hours for that privilege.  The good news is that when I cancelled the cut, it gave me more time to deal with Barney's birthday preparations.  The bad news is that my hair still looks awful.

I've managed today to make Barney's birthday cake and a couple of other food items for tomorrow, take care of his birthday presents (basically a book on New Orleans and a portfolio I created about our trip), and get through hosting a conference call despite sniffling the entire time I talked.  I count it a successful win against this wretched week.

I made Barney a card today with a list of 35 things that I love about him (because he's turning 35), which is my gift to him for today.  However, in an effort to make tomorrow slightly more special, I decided not to give it to him until tomorrow.  It still counts though, right?

I was in bed by 11:00 last night, and I am hoping for a repeat performance on that count.  Tomorrow is a big day--pancakes and sausage balls for breakfast, a new burger place for lunch (be still my heart!), a movie matinee, and a steak dinner at home followed by birthday cake and presents.  And, somewhere in there I will be sure to get some work done, I hope.  Of course, all of this pre-supposes that Olivia will be well enough to go to school (and unless we take on a third virus in a row, she should be), and that I am well enough to get out and about (a somewhat shakier proposition).  But, I believe in making birthdays special no matter what, so I am determined to go have the healthiest sleep in the world right now so that I will be up and perky and chipper and ready to make Barney's day very special (yes, I know that sleep cannot actually transform me into someone else, but I can at least do my best impression of perky and chipper).

1 comment:

  1. ooooooh dear LORD! You guys have taken a HIT!!! Prayin you feeeel better soon and that you can celebrate #35 to the best ability!!!! You're awesome at making bdays special!!!
