Last night, we decided to start a movie within minutes of putting George down for the night around 8:30pm. Within the first five minutes, I could hear a baby crying but assumed it was in the background of the movie. After a minute or so, I became aware that the crying was coming from inside my house rather than the movie, and when we went upstairs to check on Olivia, we found her completely covered in her own throw up and very unhappy about it. This of course required a bath, clothing change, and bedding change. We got all of this taken care of and went back downstairs and re-started the movie only to find ourselves repeating the same pattern--twice more. Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat.
She seemed to have it all out of her system by 1:00am, so I headed to bed. We started back up at 6:30am this morning and have been fighting the cycle all day. My gift to Barney has been to take care of our little one as much as possible, allowing him to first sleep in and then get work done throughout the day. As a result, I'm still in my PJs, behind in work, and I feel like I'm definitely a little smelly myself at this point (though I keep telling myself that I'm just paranoid). Hopefully it's a 24 hour bug, and our little one will be back to normal by tomorrow.
Barney's already requested some take-out for dinner, so that is off my plate, which is nice. I've done 7 loads of laundry today, and only two of them have not been puke-related. I know today's post is short, but I'm headed upstairs to tackle some folding. Hopefully, next time I post in here it will be from a puke-free household ;)
oooh poor baby!