Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 77--Paying for the Lazy Day

Today was my day to sleep in, but Juliet was extremely fussy, and after 15 minutes, I gave up trying to sleep through her cries and got up to assist Barney in taking care of her.  As such, we ended up getting the kids to school a little bit earlier than normal, which was good because today has been insane in terms of work, and it is far from over.  I have to host a conference call at 8:00 tonight before I will be able to even consider being done.

Because I had such an intense workload, I had little time to dwell on waiting for news we were supposed to get about the possible leasing of the house.  Barney, however, had a harder time with the waiting game today.  To say we feel discouraged would be a gross understatement.  Of course, we never heard back from them.  In this case, I don't think it is pessimism to say that no news is not good news.  We are supposed to hear tomorrow or Wednesday about the potential offer on the house, so that should be interesting.  Who's to say that they won't have changed their mind on the honeymoon though.

It seemed to me today that the best thing that I could do with my limited time resources was to try to stay positive and to try to uplift Barney's spirits rather than engaging in the pity party that I really want to engage in.  So, that was my goal throughout the day, and it seems to have helped some, though not a lot. 

Even though I am still behind in two classes, after my call my plan is to take the rest of the night off to keep Barney company rather than leaving him to his own devices in hopes that we can just relax and try to take our minds off of the housing situation.

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