Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 100--So Proud

I am just so proud of Barney today.  He has successfully completed all of the requirements to graduate from Grand Canyon University with his MBA and will graduate Summa Cum Laude with a 3.9 GPA.  He plays it off in a big way when talking about it to other people, but I have seen how hard he has worked over the last 15 months, and I am so proud of how dedicated he remained to staying in school.  He has tried going to graduate school twice before without successfully completing because he hated school so much.  But, he did this all on his own.  I never, ever had to remind him or even encourage him to do his school work.  He made it a priority each day and often went well above and beyond the minimum requirements for his courses, as evidenced by his GPA.  He tries to act like his classes weren't tough because they were online, but I know many people who found the online format even more challenging than traditional classrooms.  He was so successful first because he was motivated and second because he really is good at what he does.

Today was a really good day, though we didn't spend it celebrating per se.  We met the builder at the house to discuss the last minute fixes to the house, and then we found a hole in the wall Mexican food place to eat at for lunch.  This afternoon, we took the kids on a local train ride through some parks, and then we used a Groupon to get one of Barney's favorite dinners.  We packed for a while and then watched Modern Family once both kids were in bed.

The real celebration is on Friday when my mom and dad are taking the kids for a night.  I am still planning the details but am trying to come up with some fun and new ideas for things we can do--something outside of our normal box of ideas.

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