Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Days 85 & 86--As Ever, More Roadblocks

I really hope that once we finally move, we don't have to move again for decades at least.  I cannot believe the hurdles that we have faced in this process.  We met with the builder yesterday, and everything seemed to be going very smoothly.  We have been window-shopping for our new house (in addition to the actual shopping--our garage is now full of the furniture we bought last weekend).  We have been getting moving estimates and packing up a storm.  Half of my kitchen at least is now packed.  We have packed between 10 and 15 boxes a night for the last three nights.  Everything seemed to be a done deal--it was just a matter of finalizing a number on the work we wanted done in the backyard.

Then, today, actually--tonight, things just started to go haywire.  The builder has now informed us that he plans to raise the asking price $20K first thing in the morning on his listing because he thinks that the square footage in the listing was 200 sq feet below the actual square footage, based on an appraisal that he found.  He also plans to make that price as is, without any of the backyard work that has to be done.  He has said he will honor the counter he gave us that was for no work done in the backyard, but he has also insinuated that he has another offer coming in tomorrow (whether or not this is true).  He also is claiming that information in MLS about the house he just sold next door is completely false but cannot provide any proof of that information.

We are now left to sign the deal without any work done on the backyard, which is not what we wanted at all.  It is either that, or we seemingly will lose the house.  Barney is completely undone by this whole situation, and I have no idea what the right thing to do is--it is midnight and we are being completely pushed into a corner.  I can only pray that whatever we decide in the next fifteen minutes is the right decision.

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